This site is only one year old now and I already changed the design. Normally I design sites to last much longer. But this place is also my playground to test out things and for those people that see design only as the look of it, not much has changed. The changes where mostly on the site structure and there I had to change it. The old structure just didn't fit anymore. Even more, it kept me from writing. This site should just be a place where I can put my thoughts without a theme or a general direction. So I readjusted priorities.
The old starting page was an about me page with a link to the articles page, which then where laid out in quite traditional blog style. Now the about part moved into the footer. It's present on any page but not the center of the site any longer. The starting page is now just a list of all the articles. Only the headings and a really short summary.
It's for a reason
The reason behind this is, that I believe that hardly any people come to my site by entering the domain to see what happened since their last visit (especially as there didn't happen much most of the time).
Most people come here because there was a link to an article somewhere else. And that's what I want it to be.
If you happen to land on the starting page you can find the article of interest really quick and if you came to get some information about me, that part isn't buried far down under lots of long articles.
If you come directly into an article you still find some information about me on the same page. At least this place is also a bit to represent myself.
Hopefully more content soon™
As already mentioned, my intention here is to lay more focus on the single article, not the blog in general. With that achieved I hope to find myself freed of the pressure to stay "on topic" and therefor to publish more. Maybe only short thoughts sometimes, or even some articles in german.
Last but not least I would love to interact more with you, the reader. So please drop me a comment on how you like my site.